The Sunset Community Centre was rebuilt and relocated to Main Street in 2006.
The new community centre became disconnected from the park and playground, with an open space separating them. The need to reconnect and renew the park prompted requests for improvements by the community.
After extensive public consultation, the concept design for the Sunset Park upgrade was approved by the Board in November 2015.
Anticipated completion date is Spring 2018. Learn more here.
Improvements include:
• Connecting the east and west portions of the park with a reconfigured works yard
• New and improved paths and fencing
• Additional green space
• Picnic shelter providing covered seating and benches
• Additional capacity for future electric vehicle chargers
• Rebuilt playground and off-leash dog areas with fencing and amenities on the east side
• Planting areas with rain garden and lost creek feature
• Naturalized areas with new trees