Message from the Community Association
The Sunset Community Centre, as of March 2021, is still very much in the throes of the global pandemic. At the same time, the destructive second wave of Covid-19 infections has waned and Canada’s vaccination program is now underway. It began by focusing on seniors in care facilities and on highly vulnerable communities but in the coming months it will be vaccinating people in the general population. Sunset itself may become one location for this stage of vaccinations.
After a complete closure last spring, we have been slowly reopening the Centre and expanding its programs. While it remains unsafe to offer most adult “group” activities, we are now able to provide some programs for children and certain individual activities for adults, including the fitness facility.
You will see evidence of these offerings in this Spring brochure and we encourage all of you to consider participating, and perhaps trying something new. There is, as some people have been saying, some light now at the end of what has been a long and dark tunnel.
The volunteer Board of Directors and the Sunset Centre staff hope to be able to continue moving in the direction of a full Centre operation over the coming months. For example, we have applied, as usual, to the federal government for financial support for a full 2021 summer camp program and hope to be able to go forward with this activity as well as summer child care.
Please give us your feedback, and tell us what you are most looking forward to doing that has been difficult or impossible over the past year.
Don Munton
President, Sunset Community Association