Sunset Community Association Board 2017-2018

President’s Message

Respected Vancouver Sunset Community,

What a winter to end! Looking forward to summer; SCA Canada day celebration planning has already begun, please mark your calendar for July 1st (Sunday) 2018, if you would like to volunteer or sponsor a Canada Day event please contact a Board member or a Programmer. Your voice matters let us know if you are interested in giving your time to monthly committee, or join the Board.

We kick-started the new year with Free Week and there was a great response. Majority of the programs were free in the first week of January. To optimize our community’s experience, the Sunset Community Association will continue to support future Free Week activities.

The group of youth from the Abilities Club continues to run the morning café. These youth are from local secondary school’s Life Skills program and Gateway to Adulthood program, and they continue to gain practical work experience and various work-related skills by running this morning café. Please support these youth by dropping by to say “hi” to them and purchase a cup of coffee or tea.

Usage of the SCA Fitness Centre has been growing, thank you for your support. Check out the new equipment and there will be some special activities going on in May to support Move for Health Month. Please see page 36 for more details.

We had some staff changes in our Licensed Childcare this season. Thank you to our long term Out-of-School Care staff, Veronica, Sherry and Jade. We wish them well on their future endeavors. We welcome Tiffany, our new OSC Supervisor, and Jennifer and Vandana, our new OSC teachers. Also, our new teachers Ji Eun and Ravi, who started in September of 2017.

Respectfully submitted,

Bhalwinder Singh Waraich
Sunset Community Association