President’s Message, Summer 2018
To the respected Vancouver Sunset Community,
I hope you all are enjoying your summer. With the conclusion of this year’s Sunset Community Association (SCA) AGM held on April 19th 2018, I would like to with great pleasure welcome the following elected board members to the 2018/19 SCA Board: Ailin Flann, Mike Chowdhury, Susie Lew, Don Munton, Avtar Parmar and Leonard Pianalto. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our departing board members for all of their hard work and contributions to the Sunset Community. Karl Gulbransen (16 years), Cindy Hubbard (7 years), Greg Hubbard (5 years), Stephen Fung (4 years), Deljit Paul (3 years), Tony Birak (1 year) and James MacDonald (1 year). We acknowledge their contribution over the years and wish them all the best on their future endeavors.
Our Canada Day community celebration is just around the corner and your SCA is very proud to host this year’s festivities again. We are busy planning this exciting event to bring our community together to celebrate this great day. The success of this event is due to the hard work of the Sunset Community Association’s Board, the Sunset Community Centre staff, contributions from community sponsors, and our team of volunteers and the community at large. I hope to see you all there on Sunday July 1st 2018 to celebrate Canada Day.
The SCA invests heavily in the youth of our community. Last summer we had a very successful day camp season. This year, staff has been diligently planning for this summer’s camp season and recruiting supervisors, senior and junior youth leaders for the camps. We have a large selection of camps for all ages including preschoolers, elementary and high school students. They range from fun recreational, developmental sports, inspirational art, specialized education and leadership development camps. If you are looking for a camp for your child this summer, we may have something just for you.
We have also seen an expansion in the programs offered to our community over the past year. This is largely due to the team efforts of our partners who focus on developing programs to meet the need of our community. I would like thank the program committee and the wonderful staff members Karen Grant, Joe Wong, Gabe Dennis, Maggie Li and their colleagues.
The SCA Preschool and Out of School Care Program (OSC) continue to be one of the top rated in the City of Vancouver. With long waitlist, this credit goes to the caring, dedicated and passionate OSC Manager, Paramjeet Munday and all her staff members.
We also welcome Manpreet Parmar, returning as the Day Camp Manager this summer. In addition, we welcome Angie Chalmers, part-time cashier who will be a great addition to Sunset Staff.
The SCA vision is for a healthy community that is inclusive to all the diverse cultures that thrive in our community. We want everyone to feel welcome to play, learn, create and succeed in their own way. We welcome everyone to join a committee, a project team or to volunteer and learn more about your community.
Bhalwinder Singh Waraich
President- Sunset Community Association